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Codebuild CI


The guide will set up continous integration system that scales linearly through Github and AWS Codebuild.



  • Setup Codebuild CI system 1
  • Go to Home ->
  • Click Add Project
  • Click launch-ed
  • Type branch name >> codebuild-setup
  • Add project name >> codebuild-setup-101
  • Click Add Project
  • Wait and verify the codebuild-setup project completes (30 mins)


  • Connect Github repository to Codebuild CI system 2 3 4
  • Go to Home ->
  • Click Add Project
  • Click launch-ed
  • Type branch name >> codebuild-add
  • Add project name >> codebuild-add-505
  • Click Add Project

(rinse and repeat)

  1. Handles all the plumbing for API Gateway, Lambda function(s), and Codebuild. 

  2. Creates webhook and generates ssh key per repository 

  3. Connect one repository to one Codebuild project 

  4. Rinse and repeat